Some sweeping statements and some big ideas, but bear with me - this is the time for such things as the very nature of life and reality is at stake.
Collective time is an illusion. Each of us has our own perspective of time regardless of the clock. Time is not universal, even though it’s measured as such. We can move back and forward through the timestream with our awareness, a search of our own personal archives.
Time is not a fixed entity, it’s an imposed calibration of experience but it does not define experience. We each live in our own perceptual realities, hence our struggles and challenges together.
The past only exists as memory, as data stored in our minds, each with an associated emotion. We can change those memories as we please, something favored by politicians. The existence of those memories is only on record, which we then interpret as fact. But the lived moment has gone.
Physical reality is made of the past, it is solidified memory. Take a house for example. It was an idea put into form by physical action through time. That idea and those actions have gone into memory. What is left is a temporal structure, the physical remains of thought and action. A solid 3-dimensional ‘snapshot’ we can walk in and out of and live inside in the timestream of our lives.
But it’s not life. It’s not real. It’s a structure built in a timestream of what we perceive as reality.
What is real? Reality, like time, is a mutable perception, different for everyone. To control reality, bring everyone into a consensus perception we all abide by and behave accordingly. This is the controlling role of governments and law enforcement to literally enforce a set of ideas and rules to maintain a collective reality, something we see increasing every day.
Looking at how that is unfolding in Australia is a disturbing example of what awaits the rest of us who do not agree with mandating an imposed reality.
To step out of that reality may involve breaking those laws and rules, even the accepted ones of physics. It certainly involves breaking the status quo and the accepted ideas of normal. But not ‘Look at me! I’m different!’ That’s just the childhood ego wanting attention. This is about time, reality and existence.
Each country has its national identity and cultural behaviors. If you travel enough, you’ll see that, but these are just commonplace examples of different realities. In Denmark obedience is a virtue. In Italy, it’s the opposite. Just watch how people cross the street to find out.
We believe the perception of time is defined by the clock. We coordinate our reality around the second hand of a watch. I’ll meet you at the station at 10 o’clock on the dot. We’ll catch the 10:09 train. Without the structure of the clock, our lives would seem impossible, especially in business and infrastructures that depend on it.
But many people live their lives without even seeing a clock or a watch, without any concept of our measurement of time. Tribal life in the Amazon jungle, for example. In the western world, country life certainly has its own rhythms that follow the cycles of sunrise and sunset and the seasons far more than the quantified life in cities.
It’s that quantification into digital binary data that enables greater control over not just people but life itself.
CRISPR software that powers gene drive technology enables us to rewrite the genetic code and create designer babies and even copy them by cloning. While that sounds scientifically cool it’s actually the social engineering of eugenics - someone else, by committee, deciding who should live or die, and how they should be created. We’re currently seeing this in action with the Covid vaccines that genetically modify their recipients, without informed consent. It’s billed as a vaccine but it doesn’t meet the medical or legal definitions of one. It’s changing who we are at the fundamental level in the process of transhumanism.
This is part of a larger purpose to quantify every aspect of every living thing, and not living. But what is living? Let’s say animate and inanimate, literally with and without a soul. What’s to say a rock, which contains a vibrating molecular structure, is not alive? It’s part of the natural organic world.
Quantification enables control. The proposed Digital ID is to digitally quantify every person’s biometric data, constantly updated by a device embedded in their bodies, the quantum dot tattoo. This is not to keep people healthy, it is for biosurveillance and global control.
Added together, the Digital ID, the genetic vaccines, the vaccine passport, which is the first step towards the social credits behavioral system being introduced, the launch of thousands of new satellites to link the 5G infrastructure that enables all this technology to operate - all of this is to create a new reality. Or the illusion of one.
Strategies to form this new collective reality can be explored on an interactive map at the World Economic Forum.
But it is a binary digital reality based on the standardized clock of a silicon chip, the reliable pulse emitted from silicon once an electric current is passed through it. It’s based on the measurement of time as a repeated static event.
And there lies its weakness.
Time is being used to control us, collectively. But if we each control our own perceptions of time, we control our own reality outside of this collective attempt we see sweeping the world under the guise of a pandemic.
If we slow ourselves down with some long deep breaths, sitting quietly, bringing our attention inwards, our heartbeat will eventually slow down accordingly. In this slowed-down state our perceptions are heightened and our sense of time changes. We move into the vertical reality of presence, perceptively stopping the linear timestream by being in the moment. We move from linear quantity into vertical quality. From quantified to qualified.
Changing our relationship with time in this way can make us, to some, invisible. I’ve had personal experience of this. To others living in the linear world of past and future, we may be seen as ‘boring’ as it seems we are content doing nothing.
I call this time travel - moving out of the quantified collective world of past and future and into the timeless moment of herenow presence, which is anything but boring. In the vertical reality of the moment one feels the ecstatic joy of being alive, everything comes to life, senses become more vivid, the human experience opens into unfettered love and oneness with the infinite.
We become not just aware but connected to the source from whence we came, the source of all life, the source of creation.
Slowing oneself down into the moment, becoming still, the chattering mind also slows down and becomes silent, much like clear water when mud settles. Mind is a function of time in linear reality and thus is the control point of forces who wish to change collective reality. Hence the effectiveness of mass media and propaganda campaigns where we become congealed thought from external input, unable to use our minds effectively, living a reality imposed on us without even realizing.
In the timelessness of vertical reality, mind stops as we disengage from it. It becomes available for use as needed but it is no longer our master. The witnessing consciousness of pure awareness becomes the focal point of experience. Our minds become clear, transparent, open.
And just as mind stops, so does the concept of death. From a quantitative view, death is the end of a timespan and can be utilized for control. A life lived in time is usurped by the fear of death. The moment is not only timeless but deathless. Presence transcends both time and death. Presence is the death of time.
Living in the vertical timeless reality of presence while existing in the linear timestream of the collective is true liberation. The fear of death no longer has power over us. From here, we can live, create and function in full connection with the infinite source of life and love flowing through each of us, a life of joy, happiness and wellbeing.
Together, we can build the new world that is calling us.
At this very moment, a rooster is crowing his delight at the clear blue sky. I believe Eckhardt Tolle calls it The Power of Now. It is a powerful tool to help us stay calm in the raging madness. Breathe. Now.